Hello all.
Waking up is not my forte… Especially after just 2 hours of sleep.
But Haarlem-Noord is really nice with a full moon…
Haarlem bus station is busy with drunk people trying to get home…
And I still didn’t know where I was going at that point… In the N30 (300) going to Schiphol… But where was my flight going to?!?
I’ll spare you the sprs.me unlock moment as I was looking like a zombie. But I was very happy with Alicante, Spain! All I thought was: Tapas y cervesas y mucho mucho Soleil. (As you can see Spanish is not my forte either)
Well. I cleared customs like a boss and there I was… 4:45 behind customs at Schiphol.
Flight left on time and exactly timed 2hour and 15 min of airtime to the second… Just as the captain predicted.

After we landed got out and got the first shuttle to Alicante. Where the first mission was Fooooooood!!! Because I was hungry as hell!

So after a nice breakfast it was only 11:30 … What to do?
The Volvo ocean race museum?!? Why not! To my surprise it was totally gratis!!! They only needed my nationality (Dutch) for registration.

And after a stroll down the pier, grabbed some sunshine and my first beer of the day.
Checked into the hotel and had a nice siësta from 14:00 – 16:00. Totally in style! Then what do you do?!? Moar tapas and beers!!!

I met a really nice Irish guy (George) and we talked for about an hour.
After that some last Ray’s of sunshine… And what do I find at the beach?!?!? Something I always wanted to be part of. A ship buoy burried half in the beach and some Spanish youngsters doing my favorite sport… Making freestyle flips and tricks.

So I joined in and jumped all my tricks untill my calves gave out.
And now I’m having a nice little after-dinner Rum&Coke on a terrace.
And that’s gonna be it for today. I’ll add some pictures to this blogpost from my laptop, publish it and add it to the sprs.me page (I sent them a postal card aswell with the link embedded)
Till blogs!
Jay over and out.