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18m and certified for Open Water Diving!

Yeeey!!! Passed the exam, only 3 errors (3/50)

So i’m a certified SSI Open Water diver… but… there is more! 😀

I am starting my Advanced Adventurer exam tomorrow which gives me the possiblitiy to go Deep…. 30 Meters! 😀

I’ve studied and left the partying for some other time.

I also booked a ferry/bus back to Bangkok on the 14th so that i can intercept Stephen on the Surivahissihis (unpronounceable airport in bangkok)

And… all good things come to an end… so does my travels, i’m flying back to NL on the 1st of May (arriving the 2nd of May, with KLM… and a dear friend :)

But…. 1100 euro for a single ticket.. or 780 for a return ticket… guess what?!? i’ve booked a return ticket on 1st of July (just to save cash… but hey, who knows…. might just go for some tropical storm surf again if i feel for it (and posses the moneysss 😉

For now: basically the plan is to chill it out, still have some residual nitrogen in my body… 😀

Ineke!!! I CAN COME WITH YOU TO 30m deep!!! 😀 YEEY!

Although im kinda spoiled by the red sea adventures *because of bad visibiliy here* it’s not as cool as snokling / scuba in Marsa alam… and don’t forget the crazy stunts of my little *pencau* sister Marieke ^_^ at 14m depth hahaha….

If my spelling is kinda baaaaddd… thats because these Two Singha beers are hitting the spot.. i’m going to see if they have some nice food here.

Until next time… Jeroen “Jay” Signing off… (confuses the hell out of everyone… but hey… at least the don’t f*ck up my name every time hehehe )

(Timeline is updated btw! 😀

Koh Tao (day 1)

Koh Tao… Beautiful island but the Internet is crap. Was to be expected after a huge storm hit the islands and wiped out the infrastructure.

Today (9 Feb) I rented a scooter and drove around the island.

Aow Leuk

Some really nice scenery and some dodgy roads…


The place isn’t that big so I’ve seen most of it (accessible by land) in only one afternoon.


After the scenery it was time for some entertainment…

Ladyboys in a stripclub?!? You’ll have to experience that once. Just fun in general. And some show involving fire on the beach.



Let’s see how the diving goes today (10feb) I’m going for my open water certificate.

Bangkok to Koh Tao

En daar zit je dan… Om 5uur s’ochtends met al je spullen… Net van het vliegtuig af…

Hopen dat je een bus hebt naar Koh Tao.

Een hele rij vormt zich voor het reisbureau, ik ga dr ook maar instaan met mn slaapdronken kop. Over 45min vertrekt de bus.

De eerste manvrouw / vrouwman is gespot (balie reisbureau) en ze was super super chaggo en totaal onvriendelijk.

Dit is kalm water...

En dat was dus een 10u busreis naar Chumpon en dan de ruigste ferry ooit volgens de locals naar Koh Tao (2u en minstens 200 mensen die zeeziek werden en 1 chinees die echt helemaal ziek was en nu hoop ik ergens in het lokale ziekenhuis ligt… Alhoewel ik betwijfel of er eentje is.

Maar dan heb je ook wat

Maargoed vanavond vroeg naar bedje toe en morgen een duikschool scoren om mn brevet af te maken.

Ik moet nog steeds wennen aan de Thaise Bath en aan de prijzen. Het is hier minstens drie keer zo duur als in Vietnam. Heb wel een beetje heimwee naar Vietnam nu maar misschien weet Thailand zich nog te herpakken…


Its Tết Nguyên Đán or Tết for the sake of ease.


So again I wish you all:

Cung Chúc Tân Xuân ( best wishes for the new spring)


Chúc Mừng Năm Mới happy new year!

This is the year of the monkey.

Me and the monkey

And with a new year, time for a new country: Thailand!