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Chilling in the kos

Kos 168 in Jimbaran. (It’s KOS not kost or koste :P) The place I now call home. It’s some kind of social living. You share a pool, kantine and WiFi. Everyone has his/her own little room with shower and toilet.


Wednesday a party on the beach.
Yesterday I dropped some fellow Kos habitants off at the airport. The traffic in Bali is organised chaos… Not so chaotical as in Vietnam. There are more traffic lights and rules but still scooters own the road… Overtaking left or right wherever there is room.

It takes a bit of time getting used to driving on the left, but now im a real Indonesian pro.

Geger beach yesterday.

Geger beach

A few bintangs, swimming and just relaxing in general.

After that some drinks back at the Kos.


After that a party in La favella in Seminyak, Kuta.

And tonight its time for a pool party.

Ulawatu with Temmy

I think I met my Indonesian twin brother.
Yesterday I met up with Temmy. We have a lot in common and we immediately had some sort of connection.

Me and Temmy

Had some breakfast and went to his “cost” a sort of living situation where you get a room with shower and toilet, but you share a pool, canteen and other facilities. And there are like 20/30 others and all is a quite social happening. “Ons kent ons”

After that we went to Uluwatu beach for my first reef break ever. It was pretty crowded and I didn’t catch a lot of waves due to that but it was still and awesome experience; paddling out over a reef full of tropical fish, getting bitten by the plankton and fighting the current to get back to the sheltered beach (between two rocks) where I could finally rest again.

Surf's on at Uluwatu

After that it was some R&R back at Temmy’s place, where I’ll be crashing tonight.

Arrived in Bali

Hello all,

I’ve made it to Bali. Haven’t been blogging a lot lately, mostly due to the unavailability of free internet in Australia. But the last week was a good one. Skydiving, scuba diving, rotnest island ( cute quokkas!!! ) and an awesome time in Fremantle.

As soon as the plane dipped down to Bali I got the weird feeling of coming home. I saw a few boats in kuta harbor none like our Dutch boats and the scenery looks nothing like Holland. Still the weird feeling of Home.

After my couch surfing buddy picked me up from the airport and drove me via a restaurant (1€ super nice local food) to my hostel, it’s now time for some well deserved rest. Tomorrow I will check-out and checkout the beach here in Kuta. Should be a 1m swell and a lot of locals and rubbish to dodge… It’ll be fun they said 😉

For now. AC in the room and off to bed, because man it’s ballsweaty hot here.


also my flight was really chill because I had 3 seats for myself :)

Good times!

Six days secrets of Esperance

I didn’t know what to expect… But after a few hours in old “Betty” ( touring van which clocked 900.000 km with a trailer behind) it was going to be a fun tour. Lots of driving and camping on some of the nicest spots in Western Australia.

Day 1:

Driving to York. (First inland settlement in WA; where I’ll be skydiving tomorrow)

Via the rabbit fence and dog cemetery to wave rock and hippo yawn.

Ended up in Barren bay setting up camp for the first time. Swags out and into the tents. Learned that breakfast was going to be ready at 6:00 and we where about to set off for the next destination by 7:00 (a pattern consistent over the whole tour)


Day 2: first a beer at 7:13 (the dutch where infamous for the rest of the tour)
Off to Esperance and the 130 islands archipelago.

Went on a hike. (2:30)

From hellfire bay (bodysurfing!) Via thistle cove to lucky bay (kangaroos’ on the beach)

Thistle cove

My tent that day was the laughingstock of the camp… It almost blew over and looked like a pudding… Hehehe don’t care!

In the evening got some G&T and had a blast with Sean (tour guide) on the guitar performing songs.

Day 3:

The day started with a steep hike up Frenchman’s peak. Beautiful view.

Frenchman's peak

Had lunch at twilight beach. Then a 6 hour drive to Stirling ranges… When a storm hit us. Had kangeroo skewers foe dinner and slept in the ping-pong shed with our swags…

Day 4:
Because of rain we couldn’t do the hike in national bridge (the gap) then we went to Albany for a wine tasting (We Dutch also went for beer after… Was pretty tipsy after that hehehe) Visited the blowholes at the coast. And the valley of the giants (400 year old trees) we set up camp in Quinnynup)

Day 5:
Started of with the diamond tree climbing ( I did it pretty damn fast and raced Sean to the top the second time I did it)

Diamond tree

Went to see some giant stingrays on Hamilin beach. Got some really nice chocolate at Margret river.

Margret river surf beach (all the champs won here)

And finally set up camp for the last time in Big valley.

Day 6:

Visitors a cave together with a Aboriginal which told some really cool stories… Josh could tell us all the cool stuff.

Lunch around Yellinup and Meelup beach.

Then another 4 hour drive back to Perth.


The day after.

We went to see fantastic mister fox in the outdoor (free) cinema.

Pinnacles tour. (Sunday)


Today we are on a tour to the pinnacles. Via a zoo where I fed kangaroos, wombats, Tasmanian devils, koala’s and quokkas. The off some some R&R at the sand dunes and finally see the pinnacles…

Already looking forward to the 3 hour drive back to Perth… 😉

Tomorrow (Monday 21st)

Skydiving in York!!! Yeeey!