Yeey!!! I passed my “exam” so now I can go to 30m and visit wrecks and do night dives.
Currently I’m spending my valentines day waiting, sweating and wishing this trip to Bangkok is over soon!
Happy news is that I’m meeting Stephen in Bangkok tomorrow! Yeey! New travelbuddy!
Hopefully my battery will last until I’m safely at my hostel in Bangkok because I’m not exactly sure if I can find it without some dynamic map.
Update: 11:15
Wow… The ferry back to Chumporn is chillax today almost no swell nor wind. No splashing water in your face and the upper deck is open for business.
Goodbye Koh Tao…

I’m not looking forward to the bus ride but hey… I can’t complain you could also be working back in Holland 😉
— update 15 feb 9:00 ICT
I’ve slept through my alarm after the rough day of traveling so I missed my meet and greet with Stephen on the airport. But now we are going to meetup at MBK center. I’m already there after a packed skyrail ride, Stephen is stuck in Bangkok traffic. The center doesn’t open until 10:00 so that’s a bummer but I don’t expect my buddy to be here before that time… So time to relax and read a book

Stephen was stuck in traffic but finally we got to meet.
Got a massage at MBK center and tonight its cinematic time (deadpool is the choice)
I also got my next vaccine shot today while Stephen was sleeping it off. Was pretty cheap (3100baht in total) and only took slightly over an hour.
Tomorrow the plan is to get the hell out of this dirty polluted city and go exploring in Cambodia!