After being hit by food poisoning… It was a welcome day of relaxing on the beaches of Sihanoukville. We’ve gone to Otres beach on our rental scooters and where persuaded into getting our nails done for 2$. I must say, two dollars well spend!

My toenails never looked that good 😉

Then we had a nice night out with some German \ South-African couple we met in Siem Reap.
I just finished my handicraft, my Dane motorcycle bag has failed again, this time no need to call on warranty for the 3rd time… I’ll fix it myself

Now it’s the last stop before the capital.. Kampot. The Sihanoukville at a river instead of near the sea. It’s like the Lauwers oog of Holland instead of Harlingen. 😉
After Phnom Penh (exit point for Stephen) I’m traveling back up north back to Siem Reap to meetup with someone dear and delayed… Before making my way back to Bangkok on the 9th of March where my flight leaves for Western Australia!!!! Lollieees… Put a shrimp on the Barbie! And put a beer in the freezah! Stralya… Here we come!